macOS Ventura or newer.
Mac with Apple Silicon required
BatFi, a native and lightweight app that simplifies battery management.
With BatFi, you set a charging limit once, and then you can forget about it. The app takes care of preventing overcharging, helping to extend your battery's lifespan. And whenever you need a full charge, a single command from the menu lets you charge to 100% manually.
Maintaining a lithium-ion battery at a high state of charge can significantly reduce its lifespan. Although macOS offers a feature that automatically postpones charging the battery to 100%, it lacks user control. This automated approach relies on machine learning to adapt to user habits, leaving users without the ability to determine when and how long the charging should be delayed. Consequently, this solution may not be effective for users with irregular computer usage patterns or for devices frequently connected to power sources, such as monitors like Apple's Studio Display or Pro Display XDR.
On the other hand, BatFi works differently. The app allows you to set a user-chosen limit for charging the battery and maintain it indefinitely. With BatFi, you have the flexibility to decide when to charge the battery to 100% based on your usage needs.
Key Features
Automatic Charging Inhibition
BatFi launches with your system and actively monitors your battery percentage. Once the charging state reaches a threshold (set by you or defaulting to 80%), the app automatically inhibits further charging when your computer is connected to an AC adapter. By avoiding full charges, BatFi helps extend your battery's performance over the long term.
Convenient 100% Charge Option
Need maximum battery life for a specific task? BatFi provides a dedicated command in the menu accessible from the status bar icon. With a single click, you can charge your battery to 100% for those times when you require extra power.
Informative Notifications
Stay informed about changes in your charging mode through BatFi's notifications. Receive alerts when your charging state transitions and get instant access to battery details by clicking on the status item icon. View essential information like battery percentage, estimated time remaining, battery cycle count, battery temperature, power source status, and overall battery health.
Customizable Status Icon
BatFi's status icon is both functional and visually appealing. Customize the icon to your liking and enjoy the battery symbol with percentage and charging status displayed elegantly. Witness super cool animations as the state changes, adding a touch of excitement to your battery monitoring experience.
Set It and Forget It
BatFi takes care of your battery management effortlessly. Once you've configured your preferred settings, the app works seamlessly in the background, requiring no further intervention. Simply set it up and let BatFi handle the rest.
Search for an email from noreply@customers.gumroad.com with a subject line starting with “You bought BatFi.” and click the “View Content” button.
If you can’t find your license and are certain that you have one, please use the contact form and provide the email address you used for the purchase. If you used a temporary or fake email address, unfortunately, I won’t be able to assist you, and you will need to purchase the app again.
Please do not contact me about a license if you have not purchased the app.
The "Optimised Battery Charging" feature is designed to learn your habits and delay charging the battery to 100%. You cannot manually enable it or choose to keep the battery charged at a specific level.
On the other hand, BatFi works differently. The app allows you to set a user-chosen limit for charging the battery and maintain it indefinitely. With BatFi, you have the flexibility to decide when to charge the battery to 100% based on your usage needs.
There is a rule in the Mac App Store that prohibits any app requiring an admin password to function. BatFi requires this password to change the charging mode, and without it, the app cannot perform its intended function.
It’s available here.
First, ensure that the "app mode" is not set to "initializing."
If it is, please follow these steps:
1. Quit the app.
2. Navigate to
System Settings
Login Items
Click anywhere on the row saying BaFi.app in the “Allow in the Background”
3. Ensure that BatFi has the toggle switch turned on in the "Allow in the background" section.
4. Launch the app.
The app can manage the charging mode when it is active. However, when the Mac is turned off or goes to sleep, it won't function. There are a few workarounds:
First and foremost, avoid turning off the Mac unless necessary.
In the app settings enable: "Automatically pause charging when the Mac goes to sleep." For instance, if your battery is at 64% and you have set a limit to 70%, activating this option will cause the app to pause charging just before the system goes to sleep, and it will resume charging upon waking.
Unfortunately, there is no straightforward solution to this issue. Please follow these steps:
Standard Procedure:
Close and uninstall the app by moving BatFi.app to the trash and emptying it. If you have multiple copies, ensure all are deleted.
Exit System Settings if open, then reopen them.
Navigate to General -> Login Items.
In the "Allow in background" section, select "BatFi" from the list.
If it disappears, you're set to go. Download the app again, drag it to the /Applications folder, and open it. Complete the onboarding process, accessible through the More menu.
If BatFi does not disappear from the list after deletion, this indicates a bug in macOS.
Alternative Method:
Open the Terminal and execute the command: sfltool resetbtm, which resets the login items system. This command will ask for an administrator password.
After running the command, restart your Mac, reinstall BatFi, and complete the onboarding process again. This should resolve the issue.
Please contact me directly. Provide a license key and a screenshot with the installer. I will provide a workaround.
It seems macOS may have hidden BatFi’s status bar icon. There are two possible reasons for this:
1. Your menu bar might have too many icons, leaving no space for BatFi (it could be hidden behind the “notch”). Quitting some apps might reveal the “hidden” icons. To reorganize the icons and keep the most useful ones closer to the clock, hold the Command key and drag them. macOS will remember the order even after a restart.
2. You may have installed an app that hides menu bar icons, such as “Hidden Bar,” “Dozer,” or “Bartender.”
Please note that this issue is unrelated to BatFi itself and would occur with any app that displays a status bar icon.
Please complete the app’s onboarding process again. You can access it from the app’s menu under the “More” submenu.
BatFi works in the background and is notified by the system whenever the battery state changes (e.g., when the charging level increases from 10% to 11%). This design makes the app power-efficient. However, the updates are based on rounded values.
In other words, the app does not receive updates at the exact moment the charge changes from, say, 65.0% to 66.0%. It’s possible—and expected—for the operating system to report a charge level of 79% and then 81% two minutes later. This behavior is normal and nothing to worry about.
Privacy Policy
By default, BatFi has enabled crash report reporting, which you can opt out of in the app’s settings under the General tab.
The crash reports are used to improve the app’s reliability. They contain information about the user’s hardware, software, and user identifiers.